News Archive

  • (December 2023) Congratulations to Carlos Gary Bicas, who successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation.

  • (April 2023) Congratulations to Laura Breitenfeld, who successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation.

  • (September 2022) Congratulations to Alex Ahern, who successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation.

  • (June 2022) Congratulations to Aster Cowart, who successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertation.

  • (January 2022) Deanne was selected to join the Mars Science Laboratory mission as a Participating Scientist. Alex Ahern will also join the mission.

  • (December 2021) Congratulations to Carlos, Alex, Justin and Laura, who all had manuscripts published in 2021.

  • (November 2021) Reed and Deanne had a successful field campaign at Kilbourne Hole, NM. Thermal infrared hyperspectral images were acquired over multiple lunar analog terrains. Example data can be viewed here and here.

  • (August 2021) Congratulations to Bryan Howl on a successful M.S. defense.

  • (early 2021) Alex completed the setup of a Mars pressure chamber (see image below) for thermal conductivity and effusivity measurements of Mars analog samples.

  • (July 2020) Deanne joined the NASEM Committee for Planetary Protection.

  • (October 2019) Justin's paper, "Mapping and Characterization of Martian Intercrater Bedrock Plains: Insights Into Resurfacing Processes in the Martian Cratered Highlands", has been accepted for publication at JGR-Planets.

  • (September 2019) Deanne was promoted to JGR-Planets Editor.

  • (September 2019) Welcome new graduate students Carlos Gary Bicas and Bryan Howl!

  • (April 2019) Great job to undergraduate researchers Lauren Bunce and Kevin Gascott on their poster presentations at URECA!

  • (September 2018) Welcome new graduate student Laura Breitenfeld!

  • (spring 2018) Congrats to Gen Ito on a successful Ph.D. defense.

  • (February 2018) Deanne's paper Areally extensive surface bedrock exposures on Mars: Many are clastic rocks, not lavas" has been accepted for publication at Geophysical Research Letters.

  • (November 2017) Congrats to Marcella Yant on a successful Ph.D. defense! Marcie will be starting a post-doc position at Johns Hopkins University in January.

  • (November 2017) Deanne was selected to be a Participating Scientist Collaborator for the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission.

  • (September 2017) Deanne was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.

  • (September 2016) Welcome, new graduate students Alex Ahern, Justin Cowart and Brooke Phillips!

  • (Summer 2016) The Stony Brook University Center for Planetary Exploration (CPEx) moved into a new, state-of-the-art facility. Our grand opening ceremony was held in August, 2016.

  • (July 2016) Jason Gregerson, Rich Reeder and Deanne acquired total X-ray scattering data of amorphous and crystalline sulfate phases at the new National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) XPD beamline over the weekend. Short- and medium-range structural information determined from atomic pair distribution function analyses of these data will help us to understand the stability and transformation behavior of these phases under a variety of RH, temperature and composition conditions. Below, Jason prepares samples for measurement at the beamline.

  • (June 2016) Congrats to Joe Tamborski on a successful Ph.D. defense!

  • (May 2016) Nick DiFrancesco, Deanne Rogers and Gen Ito have a successful field campaign at Kiluaea, Hawaii. The work was conducted as part of the Stony Brook RIS4E SSERVI institute. You can read more about the work here.

  • (March 2016) Marcie's paper on acid alteration of Martian basaltic glasses is accepted for publication at JGR!

  • (Nov 2015) Cong Pan successfully defends her Ph.D. dissertation!

  • (Nov 2015) Cong's paper on Partial Least Squares analysis of thermal emission spectra of sedimentary rocks, is now in press at JGR-Planets.

  • (Oct 2015) Mike's paper on quantitative analyses of sedimentary rocks using thermal emission spectroscopy, is now in press at JGR-Planets.

  • (June 2015) Gen, Marcie and Deanne have a successful field campaign at Kiluaea, Hawaii. The work was conducted as part of the Stony Brook RIS4E SSERVI institute. You can read more about the work here.

  • (March 2015) Deanne's paper on Martian feldspathic surfaces, is now in press at GRL.

  • (March 2015) Elizabeth Sklute's paper on amorphous sulfates, is now in press at JGR-Planets.

  • (Feb. 2015) Cong's paper on Martian crater central uplifts, is now in press at JGR-Planets.

  • (Feb. 2015) A post-doctoral associate, Joachim Audouard, arrives from University of Paris-Sud.

  • (Jan. 2015) Katlyn LaFranca, an undergraduate researcher, joins our group.

  • (Dec. 2014) Deanne and former group member Elizabeth Sklute both give invited presentations at the AGU fall meeting. Elizabeth presented work on the stability, structure and spectral properties of amorphous iron sulfates, which was part of her Ph.D. dissertation.

  • (Sept 2014) Deanne, Gen and Mike have a successful field campaign on the big island of the Hawaii. The work was conducted as part of the Stony Brook RIS4E SSERVI institute. You can read more about the work here.

  • (Sept 2014) Mike Thorpe successfully defends his master's thesis!

  • (July 2014) Elizabeth Sklute successfully defends her dissertation!

  • (July 2014) Gen Ito joins our group. Gen will be working on the field-related objectives of the Stony Brook RIS4E SSERVI institute.

  • (June 2014) Tarsila Carvalho de Jesus joins our group for the summer and fall of 2014.

  • (June 2014) Deanne's MDAP proposal, "Coordinated spectral, thermophysical and morphological studies of rock-dominated units on Mars" is selected for funding.

  • (April 2014) Joe and Marcie pass their preliminary PhD exams!

  • (November 2013) Deanne is part of a NASA funded Solar System Exploration and Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) that was selected for research. The institute, Remote, In-situ, and Synchotron Studies for Solar System Exploration (RIS4E), is led by Stony Brook University.

  • (October 2013) Mike Thorpe and Joe Tamborski present their research at the GSA Annual Meeting.

  • (July 2013) Deanne's NASA Early Career Proposal, "Infrared Studies of Mars-Relevant Materials to Enhance Interpretations of Remotely-Acquired Data Sets", is selected for funding!

  • (May 2013) Group alums Jacob Gardner, Jerome Varriale and Kate Schwarting graduate with B.S. degrees in Geosciences. Congrats Jake, Jerome and Kate!

  • (May 2013) Joe Tamborski (co-advised by Rogers) wins NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for his proposal entitled Regional Characterization of Spatial Variability in Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Understanding Flux Signatures in Thermal Infrared Data and Geologic Controls. Congrats Joe!

  • (May 2013) Michael Thorpe joins our group. Michael is analyzing a suite sedimentary rocks with micro and macro-TIR spectral measurements, in an effort to assess our ability to obtain quantitative mineral abundances from sedimentary surfaces on Mars.

  • (April 2013) Deanne has a successful field campaign at the Kilauea 1974 flow with folks from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Johnson Space Center.

  • (Feb 2013) Joe Tamborski, Caitlin Young and Deanne brave the cold to acquire thermal images over Port Jefferson Harbor.

  • (July 2012) Marcie Yant joins our group. Marcie is synthesizing Martian basalt samples, altering them under a variety of fluid conditions, and characterizing the spectral properties of those samples for comparison to orbiter/rover infrared data sets.

  • (June 2012) Rogers' NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics proposal, "Investigation of crystallinity controls on the infrared spectra of sulfate phases" is selected for funding. PI: Rogers, Co-Is: Reeder and Phillips.

  • (June 2012) Cong and Deanne visit the Columbia River Flood Basalts and channeled scablands after the THEMIS science team meeting!

  • (June 2012) Cong Pan receives a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship renewal for her work studying the IR characteristics of crater central uplifts on Mars.

  • (June 2012) Craig Hardgrove leaves our group to start a new job at Malin Space Science Systems. Best wishes Craig!

  • (June 2012) Adam Nazarian joins our group. Adam is characterizing high thermal inertia (rocky) surfaces on Mars using high resolution imagery and IR data.

  • (April 2012) Jake Gardner joins our group. Jake is studying the spectral and morphologic characteristics of impact craters on Mars.

  • (April 2012) Jerome Varriale joins our group. Jerome is studying the spectral properties of basaltic surfaces from the Mauna Iki flow field, Hawaii, using laboratory spectroscopy and remote sensing.

  • (Feb. 2012) Deanne and Craig (below, right) acquire thermal infrared images (example, below left) of Port Jefferson Harbor from a small aircraft. We are searching for warm groundwater inputs into the colder harbor waters. This work will assist Caitlin Young (Stony Brook Geosciences grad student) in locating sites for measuring submarine groundwater discharge rates and geochemistry.

  • (Jan. 2012) The Stony Brook University Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing Laboratory is established. The lab includes five fast Dell Precision workstations for data analysis and a hand-held FLIR T640 infrared camera for field and laboratory studies.

  • (Dec. 2011) Craig Hardgrove is Co-Investigator on a selected Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist proposal. Craig and his team will operate and analyze neutron spectroscopic data from the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument.

  • (Dec. 2011) Undergrad Marta Sowinski joins our group. Marta will be working on developing a surface-atmosphere separation method for THEMIS data over areas of large topography on Mars.

  • (Nov. 2011) Undergrad Kaitlin McIntosh joins our group. Kaitlin is working on collecting and analyzing micro-FTIR data of evaporite samples and characterizing spectral properties of soils as a function of moisture content.

  • (July 2011) Graduate student Cong Pan receives NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship! Her proposal focuses on infrared studies of subsurface lithologies exposed by impact craters on Mars.

  • (March 2011) Post-doc Craig Hardgrove joins our group. Craig got his Ph.D. at U. Tennessee, Knoxville, with Jeff Moersch, focusing on neutron spectroscopy of Mars and thermophysical characterization of alluvial fans. He is working on infrared analyses of microcrystalline phases (cherts, micrites, alabaster, and adularia) and microFTIR analyses of sedimentary rocks.

  • (June 2010) Undergraduate Kate Schwarting is named URECA Researcher of the Month .

  • (March 2010) Undergraduate Kate Schwarting receives Stony Brook URECA Summer Fellowship.

    Updated: May 2013

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